Laser-Diode Pumped High Power Solid-State Lasers. High Power Laser Diode Arrays
LD励起高出力固体レーザー 高出力LDアレイ

Hirofumi KAN, Takeshi KANZAKI, Hirofumi MIYAJIMA, Yukihiro ITO, Teruo HIRUMA
1996 The Review of Laser Engineering  
Recent progress in high power laser diodes and 2-dimensional high power laser LD arrays i; reviewed. We have developed 0.8 0.9 ,an band high power LD arrays for pumping solid state laser; and evaluated their characteristics. With 10-stack LD arrays, 750W peak power was obtainec under the quasi-CW conditions.
doi:10.2184/lsj.24.334 fatcat:nm5loe6adbcfhdvvmmu7evpmey