Psychological Climate As A Factor In Effective Teams And As An Indicator Of Its Effectiveness

S. Kazdanyan, A. Zakharyan
2017 Zenodo  
The article is devoted to the formation and maintenance of efficiency of employees in the organisation, in particular, the psychological climate as a factor of effective teams and as an indicator for evaluating its effectiveness. It is noted that there are different approaches to identifying the relationship and mutual influence of psychological factors and psychological climate in the team. Describes the main regularities effective team in the organisation. The authors believe that the
more » ... eness of the team and its future activities depend on its correct starting formation that should be taken into account by the personnel management system. Under the effective command is implied and is considered the team where there is the availability of all roles and their harmonious combination, as well as favourable psychological climate.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.808868 fatcat:7nnjqnd5ovdojnd6kyjjszh6qq