Sustainability in the Coffee Supply Chain and Purchasing Policies: A Case Study Research

João F. Proença, Ana Cláudia Torres, Bernardo Marta, Débora Santos Silva, Grazielle Fuly, Helena Lopes Pinto
2022 Sustainability  
The literature shows that companies increasingly need to become more sustainable. To achieve sustainable development, supply chain management needs to be related to sustainable business practices, which include relevant values and sustainable purchasing policies. Focusing on these principles on the topic of coffee, this study shows the difficulties associated with this product. The study finds that coffee production is dependent on factors unrelated to management. This paper presents a case
more » ... y of Delta Cafés owned by Grupo Nabeiro, a Portuguese company that shows relevant ways of achieving sustainable business methods to be incorporated in supply chain management. Our research shows a business based on sustainable, efficient handling of the food safety of its product and certification along the supply chain, as well as an adaptable purchasing policy. By reviewing the literature and information provided by the company, we confirm that the case study is a business leader in innovation, thought process, and action related to sustainability practices. Our research illustrates how business operations and culture can be explored to achieve sustainable buying processes and practices.
doi:10.3390/su14010459 fatcat:l2p453pkmjdu5gvtabxo3j66oi