Skin Damage Associated With Intravenous Therapy

Debra Thayer
2012 Journal of Infusion Nursing  
Infusion therapy is among the most common health care interventions, with approximately 90% of hospitalized patients receiving vascular access and an estimated 1.3 million home infusion therapies delivered annually. Whereas most individuals complete their therapy uneventfully, others experience alterations in skin integrity, some significant enough to disrupt therapy. There are limited published data on the incidence of skin damage associated with infusion therapy, and the etiology of damage
more » ... not been previously described in detail. Wound, ostomy, and continence (WOC) nurses have developed a significant understanding of skin-
doi:10.1097/nan.0b013e318270a91e pmid:23132088 fatcat:nlut5shrf5cxpca454em22s32m