HIV-1 latent reservoir size and diversity are stable following brief treatment interruption

D. Brenda Salantes, Yu Zheng, Felicity Mampe, Tuhina Srivastava, Subul Beg, Jun Lai, Jonathan Z. Li, Randall L. Tressler, Richard A. Koup, James Hoxie, Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen, Scott Sherrill-Mix (+8 others)
2018 Journal of Clinical Investigation  
The effect of a brief analytical treatment interruption (ATI) on the HIV-1 latent reservoir of individuals who initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) during chronic infection is unknown.
doi:10.1172/jci120194 pmid:29911997 pmcid:PMC6026010 fatcat:ug2xzpl5zzcadmqs7gy34iw72u