Microstructure and Corrosion Behaviour of Ni-P Laser Surface Alloys

M. C. Garcia-Alonso, M. L. Escudero, V. Lopez, A. Macias
1996 ISIJ International  
Two different coat thickness electroless Ni-P deposits on miid steel were laser tteated at two different laser scanning rates. To generate a coated surface of various square centimeters, five laser tracks were realized overlapping 50o/o of each other. The Ni-P coated samplestreated in this waywere microstructurally characterized and its corrosion behaviour on 0.1 M NasS04 solution was determined. As a consequence of the laser interaction, a dendritic solidification
doi:10.2355/isijinternational.36.172 fatcat:s3bskgmtxzekbnhfcqouippyxi