Role of Medicinal Plants for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

Ram Babu Sharma, Rajiv Sharma, Kundan Singh Bora
2021 Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International  
In today's era, most of the diseases are treated by allopathic drugs. The reliance on allopathic drugs for the treatment of most diseases is gradually increasing day by day due to their rapid effects and the immediate relief to patients. However, these drugs induce some serious side effects in patients, and in some cases, the patient may die. Thus, the interest of researchers is growing day by day towards medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases. It has also been viewed that some herbal
more » ... ants have great therapeutic and pharmacological effects in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The initial studies, which have been carried out by different researchers, demonstrated very valuable results and enlighten a ray of hope for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease which is associated with CNS disfunction. In this article, the author focused on those plants which are especially used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
doi:10.9734/jpri/2021/v33i59b34399 fatcat:tqjwrx7orfgj7oyv7zyictdzsm