Paris Green—Arsenite of Copper
Scientific American
induced to fill tllemselves with honey, and are then drummed � am so fully convinced of its value in the brood frames (if ively as other modes of applying it do. Third, it is apt to out of the hive into a skep, from which they are shaken into I I properly manufactured and used) that I think no bee-keeper blow away as soon as the wind rises, even if it is applied the new hive. can do without it, for he can certainly not compete with when the atmosphere is perfectly cal m ; and fourth, the flour
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... any improved bar and frame hives were exhibited which: those who use it. It is certainly the greatest improvement costs much money, and the poison is not so thinly and evenly make the skill of the driver unnecessary, since the bees can! which has been made in bee-culture /lince the introduction distributed as by other means. be easily shaken out of them. In these a thin plate of wax: of the honey extractor. Other dry menstruums have been used, as bein,g less ex is inserted to guide the bees in making their cells. They! It is no less surprising to me that those bee-keepers who pensive, but they are all open to the same objectIOns. To take advantage of the wall thus provided and build against . claim to have given it a fair trial last year have left us so . meet these objections, water has been used after the powder it. Their time is saved and the combs are regularly built. ' much in the dark as to its proper use or manipUlation in the has been thoroughly mixed with it. This is a much better A machine to produce these guiding walls by rapidly pass-; hive. When I first thought of using foundation I sent to. plan, and far more effective, but is still open to grave objec ing wax under the roller is exhibited this year. . . Supers" one of the leading apiarians of the country for a sample put tions. The powder is almost as heavy as white lead, and are also shown. These are placed above the hives, and are in a frame. It was full width of the frame and about nine consequently cannot be long kept in suspension in water removed as soon a� they are filled with honey. Mr. John inches down in length. I followed the pattern with about a I during its application and while being sprinkled over the Hunter, the well-known apiarian, shows little American half dozcn frames; put them into several colonies of bees, vines, and when the sun dries the leaves or a shower of rain su�ers, just large enough to hold a pound of honeycomb. one or two frames in each. After waiting a day or more I falls there are many parts on which the insect can feed with "Slingers," or .• extractors," in which the comb is placed' opened the hives, and to my surprise and disgust I found impunity, especially if it be a windy season. and turned rapidly round till the honey is expelled by cen' l nearly all my founrlation knocked into beeswax and piled These objections are all met by the following: Take two trifugul foree, are also shown. on a heap on the bottom board of the hives. So much for hundred gallons of water quite free from the smallest motes Splendid honey comes from Dumfries and Herts. It is scientific bee-culture. But, as the old adage runs, "If you or particles of roots-unless quite free it must be carefully shown in all colors-light, if the bees have fed on white don't at first succeed, etc." I concluded I would try a plan strained; add to this sufficient thin (perfectly free from clover in Ayrshire, darker if their pasturage has been upon! of my own. lumps) flour paste, enough to make the water slightly gelat the lime blossoms of Highgate, and so on. I I buy the foundation cut in sheets 12x12 inches, and I inous; strain carefully beforc mixing in the large vessel-Among curiositieg is a Portuguese hive of bark, exhibited; cut each sheet in four pieces, by laying a ruler from one this is most important; take two and-a half pounds of pure, by the Rev. F. T. Scott, and a guantity of honey produced: upper corner to the opposite lower corner, and without mov-unadulterated Paris green and mix with so m e water; strain on an upoer floor in the Strand by bees helonging to Mr. ' ing the sheet lay the ruler to the upper corners and cut again. this also into the larger vessel, and with a paddle thoroughly Thurst:m, which foraged on the flowers of the embankment, This gives me four pieces, each being twelve incheR across stir up all together. If thc water be made of the required or flew' across the Thames to the learned shades of Lambeth. I the side which is attached to the frame, and running to a consistency it will support by suspension a very large por An interesting collection is that of the tlowers from which I point in the center, six inches in length. This leaves the tion, if not all, of the green powder-at all events it will bees chiefly gather their food-the spiked teasle, the meadow-shape of the foundation in the frames more nearly like do so by agitating it now and tilen, and if the powder be sweet, the thyme which gave its flavor to the honey of Hy-natural built combs than any other shape that I have heard perfectly free in its particles and from heavy adulteration mettus, the white nettle, the fragrant mignonnette and laven-of being recommended, or that I have tried. The bees in there will not be found much difficulty in applying the liquor dar, with borage, good also in claret cup. lengthening down the foundation will keep it very nearly on account of heavy deposits. The exhibition was enlivened on the first day by a discus· the same shape that it was cut in the first place� keeping the Now commence to use the mixture. Fill an ordinary 2sion, opened by the Rev. J. D. Glennie, on questions inter-'Point ahead until it touches the bottom bar, and always gallon watering pot (having first ascertained that the holes esting to b3e masters. One of these was, "How far is the finishing by fastening the combs down each side last . This in the rose are fine enough to let a very fine stream pass process which leads to swarming initiated by and carried prevents their building the combs zigzag across the lower through them), which should also be so com.tructed as to out with t:le good wiII of the old queen?" The prevalent ends, as they do when the whole width of comb is built avoid sprinkling a wider space than the row of potato crops. opinion was that the queen did not leave the hive will-down about eyen. The straightest combs that I have ever A little practice will enable a sensible man to walk rapidly ing ' ly;-ene apiarian, indeed, had seen her forcibly led out seen have been built from foundation arranged in this way. along the row and apply the two gallons to nbout 200 feet between two resolute advisers. The President of the I usually keep a lot of frames filled with the foundation, and of each row, and the 200 gallons will be found sufficient for society, Lady Burdett-Coutts, was present during the day, whenever I have a place that I can use a frame I put in one an acre, and one dressing. Of course no further 1'\lle can but did not distribute the prizes as announceJ. of these. In making artificial swarms I draw a frame from be laid down, as much depcnds on the size of the holes in Th) honorary Secretary, Mr. Peel, announced in his ad-a strong stock and put in the new hive, then fill in frames the rose and the speed of the operator. dress preceding the distribution of prizes that the show had with foundation in. I use nine frames in my hives; that The thin paste is chenp, and supports the powder in sus