P R Saranya, Kumari Nisha
2016 International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy  
Tilapishtanibha varchas (stool resembling sesame paste) usually seen as a part of Shakhasrita Kamala (Obstructive Jaundice). Tilapishta has given as a simile for describing the mala (stool) in Shakhashrita kamala. It may show similarity in its form or appearance which in turn suggests the absence of pitta (bile) and the presence of malaroopi pitta (Excretable form of bile), associated with the presence of Ama (remnants of food) in the Gastrointestinal tract. Mala pareeksha (stool examination)
more » ... scribes the errors of digestion, metabolism, and absorption of food in koshta (gastrointestinal tract). The study aims at finding out the exact nature of Tilapishta and Tilapishtanibha varchas in Shakhasrita kamala with the aid of Mala pareeksha. On parallel to this malapareeksha, Liver Function Tests and Sonography has also observed. Sweta and Krishna Tila (white and black sesame), Khalwayantra (mortar), Mala of both Shakhashrita and Koshtasrita Kamala (Hepatocellular Jaundice) patients, Glass bottles, Glass beaker, Glass slides, Petri dish, Dropper, Spatula. Mala pareeksha has performed and compared it with the Tilapishta. By this study, it has observed that the explanation of TilapishtanibhaVarchas given for Shakhashrita Kamala confined to the color, appearance, consistency and nature of Tilapishta.
doi:10.7897/2277-4343.07132 fatcat:74eyfjtwlfdklor5evb3n33nvu