Influences of cultural-self-construal on self-presentation

2005 Japanese Journal of Social Psychology  
Influences of cultural-self-construa1 on self-presentation Naohiro HASEGAWA (Graduate School of Nagoya Uni υ ersity) The purpose of this study is to i nvestigate the influences of cultura1-self-constr ua1 on selfpresentation to significant-others that belong to the par ticipants' ingroup (miuchi) or out group (soto). In the pilot st udy, 54 under graduates and graduate students described self-images that they wanted to present to significant-others, and 19 desirable self-images were extracted.
more » ... wo hundred and twent y-four under graduate st udents were then included in the present sur vey. In terms of results, two im plications were induced. First, participants who had inter-dependent-self-construa1 changed the presentation of their self-im ages than those who had independent self-constr ua1. This resul t is congr uent w ith the theor y of the cultural constr ual of self. Second, the data show the tendency of self-depreciation to their self-images i ndependent to the cultura1-self-constr uals. However, the tendency is more remarkable among the people who had inter-dependent-self-constr ua1. The discussion considered the effects of cult ura1-self-constr ua1 on self-presentat ion.
doi:10.14966/jssp.kj00003725028 fatcat:hrulpbb4ivhbnibowdxi4mighe