The Role of Economic Policy Uncertainty in Renewable Energy-Growth Nexus: Evidence From the Rossi-Wang Causality Test

Zhou Lu, Linchuang Zhu, Chi Keung Marco Lau, Aliyu Buhari Isah, Xiaoxian Zhu
2021 Frontiers in Energy Research  
This paper examines the causal relationship between renewable energy consumption and economic growth in four countries: Brazil, Germany, Japan, and the United States. Unlike previous papers, we control economic policy uncertainty's effects to capture the role of capabilities on the renewable energy-growth nexus. The recent Vector Autoregression (VAR)-based Granger-causality test of Rossi-Wang shows a bidirectional causal relationship between renewable energy and the economic growth in Brazil
more » ... Germany. There is also a significant causality from renewables to economic growth in the United States.
doi:10.3389/fenrg.2021.750652 fatcat:wc5vjvv45fdnxgtfogucbt2kg4