Viscosity Measurement Cell Utilizing Electrodynamic-Acoustic Resonator Sensors: Design Considerations and Issues

Ali Abdallah, Martin Heinisch, Bernhard Jakoby
2012 Procedia Engineering  
Miniaturized resonating viscosity sensors operating at frequencies in the low KHz-range offer portability and results comparable to existing lab viscometers. In this paper we will briefly describe a viscosity measurement cell based on a concept that we proposed earlier utilizing electrodynamic-acoustic resonator sensors with a design based on interchangeable resonator cards, which allow for ease of maintenance of the device and provides higher measurement repeatability. Experimental results
more » ... ined with the new resonator cards show the clear dependence of the resonance frequency and Q factor on viscosity. In addition, an experimental approach is taken to study the effects of magnetic field variations on the Q factor of the investigated resonators which are suspended by S-shaped (meander) beams and operating either in air or liquids.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.109 fatcat:dhcn67gqnrgu7igono2krfnu2a