Engineering Algorithms for Personal Genome Pipelines [article]

Manuel Holtgrewe, Universitätsbibliothek Der FU Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek Der FU Berlin
Recent technical advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies and their commercial availability at low costs have paved the way for revolutionary opportunities in the life sciences. One milestone was reaching the $1000 genome, allowing to determine the genetic makeup of hundreds of human individuals within a week for less than $1000 each. This ongoing revolution of the life sciences creates new challenges for the software and algorithms that are processing this data. In my thesis, I
more » ... der a typical software pipeline for determining the genome of a human individual. For the preprocessing pipeline step, I describe a method for error correction and consider the comparison of such methods. For the read mapping step, I provide a formal definition of read mapping and I present a software package implementing a benchmark for read mapping, based on my formal definition. I then describe the implementation, parallelisation, and engineering of a fully sensitive read mapper and evaluate its performance. For the variant calling step, I present a method for the prediction of insertion breakpoints and the assembly of large insertions. Of course, such a pipeline is not limited to the processing of human data but it is also applicable to data from other mammals or organisms with smaller and less complex genomes. The presented work is available as an efficient open source C++ implementation, either as parts of the SeqAn library or as programs using SeqAn.
doi:10.17169/refubium-12413 fatcat:b7gy6nob7naebai5peph3dk7fm