Análisis del tratamiento de la mujer en la prensa española. Día Internacional de las Mujeres

María Gómez y Patiño
2011 Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico  
This work describes the analysis and evaluation of the journalistic treatment that mass media devote to Women's International Day. This study focuses on six points. The results of all of them, this is the conjunction of qualitative and qualitative characteristics together with the effects produced by selection of the journalistic agenda or the effects produced by publicity or humour allow the know the position of women within the everyday national written press. The conclusions and their
more » ... etations is the space for discussion: if the place occupied by women is the deserved space or if on the contrary this place should be occupied by women every single day in the year either as an emergent item or one regular and stable one.
doi:10.5209/rev_esmp.2011.v17.n1.7 fatcat:knrwaazpk5gfzgw47ic7dhgvl4