Preservatives in Domestic and Imported Children's Clay Products

Sun Hye Jung, Jin Yeong Heo, Ji Hee Oh, Na-Youn Park, Younglim Kho
2022 Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences  
Preservatives are used to prevent product deterioration in modeling clay. Parabens, a representative preservative, have been found to be endocrine disruptors and cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. Isothiazolinone preservatives can be irritating to the skin, respiratory tract, and eyes. Thorough investigation and regulation of clay are necessary because clay is marketed to children, who are more sensitive to the toxic effect of chemicals. Objectives: In this study, the presence of 16
more » ... reservatives was analyzed in modeling clay and the results were compared with current standards. Methods: A total of 200 samples were collected from 28 children's clay products sold in South Korea (13 from Korea and 15 imported from overseas). Twelve preservatives, such as parabens, were analyzed using highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Isothiazolinone preservatives (chloromethylisothiazolinone; CMIT, methylisothiazolinone; MIT, octylisothiazolinone; OIT, and benzisothiazolinone; BIT) were analyzed using ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometery (UPLC-MS/MS). Results: Dehydroacetic acid (DHA) was detected the most in the clays at 51.50% (103 cases) detection; 38 cases (median 190.42 μg/g) in Korean products and 65 cases (median 169.62 μg/g) in Chinese products. CMIT, which is prohibited in Korea, was detected in 14 (median 16.28 μg/g) Chinese products. OIT, which has a chemical structure similar to CMIT was found in 28 (median 68.38 μg/g) samples in Korean products. Conclusions: The use of CMIT and MIT in children's products is prohibited in Korea and the European Union (EU). The detection of CMIT in Chinese clay products suggests that management is necessary for imported products. It is necessary to review the safety and regulatory status for OIT because OIT was used as a substitute for CMIT and MIT in Korean products.
doi:10.5668/jehs.2022.48.1.36 fatcat:p36wpigzfvbgtpwclbht6yclce