Enhancing quality and safety in clinical teaching: Statewide live continuing education program for adjunct clinical nursing faculty

Kimberly N. Silver Dunker, Karen Manning
2018 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice  
The nursing faculty shortage is being filled by adjunct clinical faculty with no classroom teaching experience. These novice faculty members must undergo a socialization and orientation process (onboarding), when transitioning into the academic environment. To support orientation, the Live Continuing Education Program for Adjunct Clinical Nursing Faculty (LCEP-ACNF), a competency-based 4.0-hour continuing education unit program for novice clinical faculty was used. In this study, the LCEP-ACNF
more » ... as tested in a statewide sample of clinical faculty. For this mixed-methods study a convenience sample of faculty members (N = 312) from all nursing programs in one northeast state was recruited. All 312 participants completed pretest competency-based evaluation and a demographics sheet. Participants' (N = 312; n = 162) posttest scores were significantly higher than their pretest scores (Z = 11.10, p < .01). Eight interviews were conducted and the themes emerged were, communication with other faculty members on clinical teaching, orientation strategies, student evaluation and feedback strategies, and mentorship issues for novice clinical faculty. Evaluation results for the LCEP-ACNF were overall positive, including the need for more continuing education offerings, mentorship, and teaching strategies. The results suggest an increased need for clinical faculty development and orientation, a need for developing the clinical coordinator role and mentorship for all novice clinical faculty. Lastly, the LCEP-ACNF should be offered twice a year, regionally and nationally.
doi:10.5430/jnep.v8n7p78 fatcat:itxoyuuy7rbozbbfkrysmzysli