A Rock Physics Model for Estimating Elastic Properties of Organic Shales

K. Qian, F. Zhang, X.Y. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Liu
2014 Proceedings 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014   unpublished
In this paper, a theoretical rock physics model is presented to estimate the effective elastic properties of organic-rich shale. A clay-kerogen mixture is set as the background material, and is simulated using anisotropic self-consistent (SCA) and differential effective-medium (DEM) theories. Both clayrelated pores and brittle minerals related pores are considered in the modelling. Comparison of estimated results with experimental measurements indicates the feasibility of using SCA+DEM to
more » ... te organic-rich shale. We also analyse the effects of anisotropy on the characterization of shale brittleness using the proposed model, and we discuss the influence of the alignment of each claykerogen block on anisotropic properties.
doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20141349 fatcat:34iys65qxjatrfry2a4lwtjmda