The Concept of Demographic Management as an Element of Human Resources Management in Organizations

Andrzej Skibiński
2019 IBIMA Business Review  
The phenomenon of population ageing is a modern demographic process that has never occurred before on such a scale and with such an intensity, and affects societies in Europe and other developed countries worldwide. Hence, the human factor seems to gain importance in modern organisations, as entrepreneurs and managers face the challenge of numerous processes occurring in the socio-economic environment. Thus, apart from strategic management of human resources, it is necessary to take into
more » ... demographic aspects, focusing on actions aimed at mitigating the effects of labour shortages in different age groups by analysing the age structure of employees or managing multi-generational working teams. For the purpose of this publication, demographic changes in Poland and Slovakia were assessed and selected results of a survey on intergenerational cooperation in organisations were presented. Further, the concept of demographic management as an element of strategic management of human resources was proposed. Applied quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted based on survey results and data from Eurostat statistical databases. The survey was conducted since March -till April 2017 on a sample of N = 254 respondents, using the diagnostic survey method.
doi:10.5171/2019.438468 fatcat:an5qqbactze65iahkfeg3fdjki