Welding Properties of 1000MPa Class High Strength Steel Sheets for Car Body Using Disk Laser
자동차용 1000MPa급 고장력 강판의 Disk 레이저용접 특성

Hyun-Uk Seol, Mun-Jong Song, Kyu-Hyun Lee, Mun-Yong Lee, Sok-Won Kim
2012 Transactions of Korean Society of Automotive Engineers  
Application for laser welding have increased steadily in recent years due to its benefits such as high speed, high productivity and high density energy heat source. In this study, the influence of welding parameters was investigated on penetration characteristics, mechanical properties including formability test in disk laser welded 1000MPa class steels. A shielding gas was used and bead-on-plate test was performed with various welding speeds. The main welding test was performed by butt welding with various welding speeds at 2.5 kW laser power.
doi:10.7467/ksae.2012.20.5.008 fatcat:52ruxbdnnngzzhqc2s5gpgvk5y