Confidence, Visual Research, and the Aesthetic Function

Stan Ruecker, Stéfan Sinclair, Milena Radzikowska
2007 Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research  
The goal of this article is to identify and describe one of the primary purposes of aesthetic quality in the design of computer interfaces and visualization tools. We suggest that humanists can derive advantages in visual research by acknowledging by their efforts to advance aesthetic quality that a significant function of aesthetics in this context is to inspire the user's confidence. This confidence typically serves to create a sense of trust in the provider of the interface or tool. In turn,
more » ... this increased trust may result in an increased willingness to engage with the object, on the basis that it demonstrates an attention to detail that promises to reward increased engagement. In addition to confidence, the aesthetic may also contribute to a heightened degree of satisfaction with having spent time using or investigating the object. In the realm of interface design and visualization research, we propose that these aesthetic functions have implications not only for the quality of interactions, but also for the results of the standard measures of performance and preference.
doi:10.21083/partnership.v2i1.193 fatcat:4cw2gcr6wzatplqgpod3uw64ua