Genetic selection improvement of the strawberry assortment in the Central Black Earth Region conditions

Luk'yanchuk Irina, Zhbanova Ekaterina, Zaitseva Ksenia, Lyzhin Alexander
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
The assessment of the polymorphic genetic collection of the genus Fragaria L. according to the most important economic and biological traits was carried out and the intervals of their variation were determined. Based on field monitoring of the general condition of plants and testing samples for the presence of endophytic microbiota, highly adaptive genotypes were identified: Tsaritsa, Urozhaynaya CGL, Pamyati Zubova, Flora, Privlekatelnaya, Vima Tarda, Elianny, 927-80 (298-19-9-43 × Rubinovyy
more » ... lon), 34-12 (922-67 × Privlekatelnaya), etc. Valuable genotypes by yield (Flora, Tsaritsa, Elianny, 75-30 (Tokado × Elianny), 56-5 (922-67 × Privlekatelnaya), 35-5 (922-67 × Maryshka), etc.) and the fruit biochemical composition with high accumulation: sugars – Olimpiyskaya nadezhda, 915-104 (298-22-19-21 × Feyerverk), 28-19 (Lakomaya × Maryshka), etc.; ascorbic acid – Kokinskaya zarya, Privlekatelnaya, Kupchikha, Tsaritsa, Marshall, 56-9, 56-12 (Gigantella Maxim × Privlekatelnaya), etc.; anthocyanins – Alona, Feyerverk, 35-16 (922-67 × Maryshka), 928-12 (298-19-9-43 × Privlekatelnaya), etc. were identified. The combination of functional alleles of the FaOMT and FaFAD1 genes of the fruit aroma complex was detected in varieties Kubata, Tsaritsa, Kimberly, Sonata, Tokado, etc.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202125401039 doaj:b48a8bc325c8467bb432c306e5ccb9e8 fatcat:lbgontqgxjc5rfmldqdvclm7ey