Service Composition Recommendation Method Based on Recurrent Neural Network and Naive Bayes

Ming Chen, Junqiang Cheng, Guanghua Ma, Liang Tian, Xiaohong Li, Qingmin Shi, Tongguang Ni
2021 Scientific Programming  
Due to the lack of domain and interface knowledge, it is difficult for users to create suitable service processes according to their needs. Thus, the paper puts forward a new service composition recommendation method. The method is composed of two steps: the first step is service component recommendation based on recurrent neural network (RNN). When a user selects a service component, the RNN algorithm is exploited to recommend other matched services to the user, aiding the completion of a
more » ... ce composition. The second step is service composition recommendation based on Naive Bayes. When the user completes a service composition, considering the diversity of user interests, the Bayesian classifier is used to model their interests, and other service compositions that satisfy the user interests are recommended to the user. Experiments show that the proposed method can accurately recommend relevant service components and service compositions to users.
doi:10.1155/2021/1013682 fatcat:4vlrjxxye5fcbba2r4vd7gsuda