Bone-patellar tendon-bone graft versus hamstring Tendon graft for arthroscopic complete ACL tear reconstruction: A randomized control study

Dosmanta Kutum, Dr. Paragjyoti Gogoi, Mahibul Islam, Partha Chakrabarty
2021 International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences  
Anterior Cruciate Ligament rupture is a common sports injury. The present treatment protocol is to reconstruct the ligament using autografts like bone-patellar tendon-bone, hamstring tendons, quadriceps tendon, peroneus longus tendon etc. Out of all these, the patellar tendon autograft and the quadrupled hamstring autograft are most commonly used. We have conducted a prospective randomised study comparing the outcome of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using these two autografts. A
more » ... l of 40 patients were randomised into two groups with 20 patients each in the patellar tendon and hamstring group. Similar postoperative rehabilitation protocol was followed for each group and the final outcome was measured at the end of 6 months using Tegner and Lysholm score. The functional outcome of both the groups was statistically compared to find any significant advantage of one group over the other. The results we found were equivocal for both the groups. The return to preinjury status was also similar in both the groups.
doi:10.22271/ortho.2021.v7.i1i.2534 fatcat:az6n4r3j4rd75bmpjqj6d7pt3a