Tema e significação: contribuições bakhtinianas para análise crítica dos processos interativos em aulas de leitura de textos shakespeareanos

Míria Gomes de Oliveira
2004 Revista de Estudos da Linguagem  
This article discusses interactive processes in the reading and presentation of Shakespearean plays in public schools of poor neighborhoods in the outskirts of Belo Horizonte. The original project had as its main aims the dialogue of languages and cultures and the search for a "non-traditional" teaching practice, a practice which would involve conscientization and polyphony. Starting with reflections from Bakhtin's conceptions of theme and signification, and trying to go beyond them, we bring
more » ... t the relevance of contextual understanding as well as the debate of ideological questions in the classroom, a place where the subject constitutes him/herself and is constituted by the "others".
doi:10.17851/2237-2083.12.1.115-132 fatcat:bsh5piy4drctzptebxaapkqgwi