Surface Detection Using Round Cut

Vedrana A. Dahl, Anders B. Dahl, Rasmus Larsen
2014 2014 2nd International Conference on 3D Vision  
We propose an iterative method for detecting closed surfaces in a volumetric data, where an optimal search is performed in a graph build upon a triangular mesh. Our approach is based on previous techniques for detecting an optimal terrain-like or tubular surface employing a regular grid. Unlike similar adaptations for triangle meshes, our method is capable of capturing complex geometries by iteratively refining the surface, where we obtain a high level of robustness by applying explicit mesh
more » ... cessing to intermediate results. Our method uses on-surface data support, but it also exploits data information about the region inside and outside the surface. This provides additional robustness to the algorithm. We demonstrate the capabilities of the approach by detecting surfaces of CT scanned objects.
doi:10.1109/3dv.2014.60 dblp:conf/3dim/DahlDL14 fatcat:5jw4wttfs5fsrowihwsifmuicy