
Joseph J. LaViola, Robert C. Zeleznik
2004 ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Papers on - SIGGRAPH '04  
We present mathematical sketching, a novel, pen-based, modeless gestural interaction paradigm for mathematics problem solving. Mathematical sketching derives from the familiar pencil-and-paper process of drawing supporting diagrams to facilitate the formulation of mathematical expressions; however, with a mathematical sketch, users can also leverage their physical intuition by watching their hand-drawn diagrams animate in response to continuous or discrete parameter changes in their written
more » ... ulas. Diagram animation is driven by implicit associations that are inferred, either automatically or with gestural guidance, from mathematical expressions, diagram labels, and drawing elements. The modeless nature of mathematical sketching enables users to switch freely between modifying diagrams or expressions and viewing animations. Mathematical sketching can also support computational tools for graphing, manipulating and solving equations; initial feedback from a small user group of our mathematical sketching prototype application, MathPad 2 , suggests that it has the potential to be a powerful tool for mathematical problem solving and visualization.
doi:10.1145/1186562.1015741 fatcat:pnm2hghtcvhhvkv765mhi4gll4