Color Removal and COD Reduction of Organic Effluent Stream from a Petrochemical Plant

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
The best known procedures for effluent treatment from petrochemical industry are to be discussed and systematized. This article briefs the concerns raised due to wastewaters released by petrochemical industry, treatment methods presently used for treating the petrochemical industrial effluents and new innovative processes proposed for the petrochemical industrial effluents. This paper investigates the various effluent treatment methods for the removal of color and COD reduction in caprolactam
more » ... fluent. The results demonstrated that advanced oxidation processes are found to be effective for the removal of color and COD reduction from caprolactam effluent.
doi:10.35940/ijrte.c6118.118419 fatcat:rgvt5zjk3bff7ljopb5i7rex3y