Observed Climate Change in East China during 1961–2007

Hou Yi-Ling, Chen Bao-De, Yang Xu-Chao, Liang Ping
2013 Advances in Climate Change Research  
By using in situ daily observations in East China during 1961-2007 and NCEP reanalysis data, the methods of statistical analyses, urban minus rural and observation minus reanalysis, it is revealed that the observed climate change and surface warming in East China were mainly induced by urbanization. The results show that East China has experienced two warmer periods of 1930s and 1980s in the past century; from 1951 to 2007, the regional mean temperature increased at a rate of 0.14 • C per
more » ... ; heat waves happened in urban center more frequently, and local climate showed a warming and dry trend; there was no significant linear trend in regional mean precipitation in the past 50 years. Urbanization was a crucial element for the regional warming; about 44% of the warming was due to heat island effect in the mega city.
doi:10.3724/sp.j.1248.2013.084 fatcat:ndfdqtoelrdfhbkzhtj4kjv4um