Dynamics of a Temperate Grassland Reptile Community in the Mid-North of South Australia

K. Pelgrim, A.L. Fenner, J.A. Schofield, C.M. Bull
2014 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia  
Temperate native grasslands are listed as a critically endangered ecological community in South Australia, yet very little is known about the associated faunal communities. This study aims to provide information on the temporal dynamics of a native grassland reptile community in the midnorth of South Australia. during the study we made 335 reptile captures in pitfall traps, of 248 different individuals, from 13 species, representing five families. These data were used to investigate seasonal
more » ... nds in trapping rate, age demographics and movement of individuals from marked recaptures. The results of the study provide baseline information on species assemblages that might be used in the recovery and management of the remaining fragments of temperate native grasslands and the endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard that relies on those fragments for its persistence.
doi:10.1080/03721426.2014.11649013 fatcat:u7d7lnjwe5ehhiy77dzqupchha