Research on Parametric Form Design Based on Natural Patterns

X Li, JN Su, Changde Lu, Xuesheng Pei, Jianning Su
2018 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Parametric form design method based on natural patterns is proposed for the design schema of the traditional form bionics. Firstly, the concepts of natural patterns are analyzed, concluded and summarized. Secondly, the parametric design thinking is elaborated from three aspects: thinking mode, design flow, tools and scripts. It is also proposes a parametric logo design method. This paper takes logarithmic spiral pattern as an example to describe the process from the law of natural pattern to
more » ... o design, which includes nature pattern analysis, control rules of from and color, algorithm research and generating design.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201817601012 fatcat:ppeupl6u5rbinmgb7zwzqbr2jq