A Malicious Users Detecting Model Based on Feedback Correlations

Yong WANG, Yang BAI, Jie Hou, Yuan wei TAN
2013 International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications  
The trust and reputation models were introduced to restrain the impacts caused by rational but selfish peers in P2P streaming systems. However, these models face with two major challenges from dishonest feedback and strategic altering behaviors. To answer these challenges, we present a global trust model based on network community, evaluation correlations, and punishment mechanism. We also propose a two-layered overlay to provide the function of peers' behaviors collection and malicious
more » ... n. Furthermore, we analysis several security threats in P2P streaming systems, and discuss how to defend with them by our trust mechanism. The simulation results show that our trust framework can successfully filter out dishonest feedbacks by using correlation coefficients. It can effectively defend against the security threats with good load balance as well.
doi:10.5121/ijcnc.2013.5104 fatcat:zhdcneczpbenrnn4m3dimgmnlu