Prevalence And Predictors Of Mental Health Problems Among An Elderly Population Of Pakistan

Aaqib Shahzad Alvi, Sarah Safdar
2019 Pakistan Journal of Applied Social Sciences  
The aim of the present study was to explore the prevalence and predictors of mental health problems among elderly. Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) was used as tool of data collection from 624 elderly aged 60+ using multistage sampling technique. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors associated with mental health problems. Results indicated a pervasive prevalence of mental health problems among elderly in Central Punjab. Logistic regression analysis reported that
more » ... rious independent factors, including financial dependency, educational status, undesirable events of life, undermining the sense of control, elderly abuse, feelings of discomfort at home, behavior of family, age and gender of elderly were significantly linked with mental health problems of Pakistani elderly population. These notably linked variables were instigated as the major risk factors of mental health problems. These findings also pointed out that the respondents who were monetarily dependent and did not have any source for familial support were two times more likely to report mental health problems than those who had finances. It means that the financial dependency dominates other risk factors.
doi:10.46568/pjass.v1i1.1 fatcat:xobey3bdunae3kpjb4tf6k2vx4