Hygienic assessment of handicapped adolescents vocational training conditions: problems and optimization opportunities

YuV Eliseeva, AA Voytovich, OYu Milushkina, AV Istomin, YuYu Eliseev
2018 Bulletin of Russian State Medical University  
In a number of occupations, there is a shortage of labor force that can be filled with economically active part of the population, including people with disabilities (handicapped, HC). Unfortunately, observance of hygienic requirements in the context of HP adolescents vocational training has not been studied sufficiently: most scholars have researched only the conditions of teaching healthy adolescents. This study aimed to examine the HC adolescents vocational training conditions and develop
more » ... sures to improve their working conditions with pathologies factored in. We examined adaptation potential, anxiety level, mental efficiency, sick rate and personal well-being assessment in HC adolescents (n = 120) aged 16–18, not impaired intellectually, studying sewing equipment operation, shoe repairs in the boarding scool. In the context of the study, we applied Smirnov hygiene criteria, Giessen Symptom Questionnaire, Spielberger's Test Anxiety Questionnaire, Sivkov scale, correction tables, Baevsky adaptation index. For the purposes of statistical analysis, we used parametric (Student t-test) and non- parametric (Mann–Whitney) criteria. The Spearman's correlation coefficient helped determine interrelationship of the studied parameters. We identified the following key adverse hygienic factors that have a significant impact on the students' health: intense character of labor performed, insufficient artificial lighting, noise level above the norm, high content of organic solvents and dust in the workshop's air. The timetable of the boarding school was also found to be inefficient. The results of this study allowed developing and introducing a software program to automatically compile the school's timetable with the aim to improve psychosomatic health of the students and halve the number of health-related complaints.
doi:10.24075/brsmu.2018.060 fatcat:ospy2f4pnjhx3dxwqwduovbgri