Limnological Studies of Temple Ponds in Cachar District, Assam, North East India

Devi Moirangthem Banita, Dastapati, Gupta Susmita
2013 Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association   unpublished
A comparative analysis of limnological status of two representative temple ponds of Cachar district in Assam, North East India, was carried out during December 2009 to November 2010. While one pond (Pond 1) was located at the center of the township area, the other pond (Pond 2) was located away from the township complex but was within the vicinity of a tea garden complex. For carrying out the present study, physico-chemical and biological variables of water were analyzed. The study revealed
more » ... ificant variations in some physico-chemical and biological properties of water in the two ponds. A total of 32 genera of phytoplankton and 11 genera of zooplankton were observed in the study area as a whole, out of which Pond 1 had greater taxonomic richness of both the phyto-and zooplankton communities. In both the ponds the most dominant class of phytoplankton was Chlorophyceae and most dominant group of zooplankton was Copepoda. TSI values revealed that both the ponds were in mesotrophic conditions though located under different land use systems. However, when compared Pond 1encountered greater organic input than Pond 2. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that amongst all the environmental variables, rainfall, conductivity, water temperature and free carbon dioxide bring highest variability to the plankton communities of the temple ponds.