Liability Analysis of Autonomous Vehicles Accidents

Cimo Xue
2021 Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Innovative Management and Economics (ISIME 2021)   unpublished
With the development of artificial intelligence, more and more autonomous vehicles have been put into production and will be on the roads within a couple of years, cutting congestion and delivering a big boost to road safety. But autonomous vehicles have already caused accidents and the innovation of autonomous vehicle are greatly outpacing legislation designed. This paper focuses on two fatal cases of accidents that autonomous vehicles caused and proposes some subjects that may be held
more » ... ble in the accidents. Then the author proposes five subjects of liability and possible charges from both civil law side and criminal law side in order to give some advice for future lawmaker. Solutions from before to after are also included to let subjects of liability to seek remedy.
doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.210803.075 fatcat:s2e2erci6vhlrixqk7rja5jogy