Live twin birth after successful treatment of a ruptured heterotopic pregnancy by laparoscopy

Murat Gözüküçük, Şerife Esra Çetinkaya, Batu Aydınuraz, Korhan Kahraman, Mustafa Hakan Şatıroğlu
2009 Gynecological Surgery  
We report a case of a live twin birth after laparoscopic treatment of a ruptured heterotopic pregnancy. A 29-year-old woman, with a history of right salpingectomy for ectopic pregnancy, became pregnant after transfer of three embryos at in vitro fertilization treatment. At the ninth week of gestation, she was admitted to our clinic with abdominal pain. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a triplet heterotopic pregnancy consisting of an intrauterine twin pregnancy and an ectopic pregnancy in
more » ... e left fallopian tube. An immediate laparoscopy was planned and left salpingectomy was performed. In the postoperative period, intrauterine twin pregnancy continued uneventfully; at the 35th week of gestation, two healthy infants with birth weights of 2,206 and 2,426 g were delivered. Heterotopic pregnancies must be kept in mind after assisted reproductive techniques. Early diagnosis allows successful laparoscopic treatment without sequel. Laparoscopic surgery is an appropriate method to manage selected patients with heterotopic tubal pregnancy.
doi:10.1007/s10397-009-0473-7 fatcat:ghzgqgxqozap7ahvmaomf3vbum