The Magellanic Stream and the Density of Coronal Gas in the Galactic Halo

Chigurupati Murali
2000 Astrophysical Journal  
The properties of the Magellanic Stream constrain the density of coronal gas in the distant Galactic halo. We show that motion through ambient gas can strongly heat Stream clouds, driving mass loss and causing evaporation. If the ambient gas density is too high, then evaporation occurs on unreasonably short timescales. Since heating dominates drag, tidal stripping appears to be responsible for producing the Stream. Requiring the survival of the cloud MS IV for 500 Myr sets an upper limit on the
more » ... halo gas density n_H< 10^-5 cm^-3 at 50 kpc, roughly a factor of 10 lower than that estimated from the drag model of Moore & Davis (1994). Implications for models of the evolution of gas in galaxy halos are discussed.
doi:10.1086/312462 pmid:10622760 fatcat:mfd52geruvdkpnxqb23gevtnjq