Multispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing

Christian Chatelard, Jean-Claude Krapez, Philippe Barillot, Philippe Déliot, Yves-Michel Frédéric, Jean Pierro, Jean-François Nouvel, Franck Hélias, Yolande Louvet, Isabelle Le Goff, Guillaume Serra
Water losses have a high environmental impact in terms of natural resources depletion (water, energy, ecosystems). This work aims at developing an airborne water leak detection surveillance service to provide water utilities with adequate information on leaks in water transportation mains outside urban areas. As a first step, a series of measurement campaigns were performed with hyperspectral cameras and a thermal infrared camera for selecting the most appropriate wavelengths and combinations
more » ... ereof for revealing at best high moisture areas and artificial leaks. Further measurements will be performed with thereby optimized instrumentation onboard a plane and a UAV in an operational environment.
doi:10.29007/4xs9 fatcat:yuaql7wjuzd5zd5d7mxjzir7qa