On the Expression of Spatial Relations in Ardesen-Laz

Silvia Kutscher
2011 Linguistic Discovery  
This paper gives an overview of the means of expression which are used in descriptions of spatial scenes in Laz. With motion verbs, Laz uses the satellite-framed strategy with motionmanner conflation in the verbal root. Path information is given in preverbal satellites. With respect to locative expressions it belongs to the multi-verb-type languages. Hence, considering the lexical properties of the verb roots, Laz is a rather ordinary language. However, with respect to the semantics of its
more » ... al case system and the semantics of the satellites, i.e. its system of spatial preverbs, it will be shown that Laz is typologically rather unusual.
doi:10.1349/ps1.1537-0852.a.394 fatcat:vngw4e5evjgptkl53suufafdv4