Analysis of the Relation between Daily Airborne Cedar Pollen Counts and Meteorologic Factors with Type III Quantification

Shigehito MORI, Hitoshi SAITO, Toshihisa ITO, Mizue SEKI
1995 Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  
We analyzed data related to daily cedar pollen counts and meteorological factors for 53 days during the pollinosis season in 1991 and 35 days in 1993 using type Iff quantification, a concept of multivariant analysis, which makes it possible to ascertain plural relations among factors. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Large amounts of pollen grain are typically scatterd on fine, cold days with a north wind during cedar pollinosis season. However, when large amounts of pollen were
more » ... d on the previous day, many pollen grains will remain airborne even on a rainy day. 2) On cold, rainy days with a west or south wind, the number of grains will be typically lower. 3) The airborne pollen count is not affected much by the higher daily temperature.
doi:10.5631/jibirin.88.1279 fatcat:fayesx7qgbefrmw5pkmifdam4i