Magnonic crystal as a delay line for low-noise auto-oscillators

Elena Bankowski, Thomas Meitzler, Roman S. Khymyn, Vasil S. Tiberkevich, Andrei N. Slavin, Hong X. Tang
2015 Applied Physics Letters  
Based on the results of the developed analytical theory, the authors propose to use the magnonic crystal patterned on the YIG magnetic film as an efficient delay line in the feedback loop of tunable auto-oscillator. This allows the reduction of the inhomogenity of bias magnetic field and the rasing of the power of input signal in virtue of decreasing the length and increasing the thickness of such delay line as compare to the YIG film with no pattern. In turn, use of this magnonic crystal opens
more » ... a way to improve noise properties of the auto-oscillator.
doi:10.1063/1.4931758 fatcat:jtiftjxqo5fmfpuzwukhusu4lu