Coalescence of dispersed drops in an agitated tank

1988 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan  
An attempt was made to establish the coalescence frequency of dispersed drops in an agitated tank. In experiments, transient drop size distributions were measured during the processes of drop coalescence after a stepwise reduction of impeller speed. The transient drop size distributions were calculated from the population balance equation for dispersed drops by applying a previously proposed equation for drop breakup and assuming somedifferent functional forms for coalescence frequency.
more » ... arison between calculated and experimental distributions, a functional form of coalescence frequency was determined which adequately correlates transient drop size distributions with the breakup frequency equation. It was also shownthat the equations for coalescence and breakup frequencies successfully predict transient drop size distributions in drop dispersion processes.
doi:10.1252/jcej.21.335 fatcat:2q5tt3wsyzadzbpt2aymicywze