Nutritional Status of Children Residing In Ethiopia

Preeti Ghate
2015 European Journal of Nutrition and Food Safety  
Malnutrition among children under age five is the major public health problem in the developing world particularly in Eth iopia. The aim of this study was then to determine statistically the determinants of children malnutrition, using 2011 DHS data. The overall prevalence of underweight among children in Ethiopia was 36.4%. Bayesian Se mi-parametric regression model was used to flexib ly model the effects of selected socioeconomic, demographic, health and environmental covariates. Inference
more » ... made using Bayesian approach with Markov chain Monte Carlo (M CMC) techniques. It was found that the covariates sex o f child, preced ing birth interval, b irth order of child, place of residence, mother's education level, toilet facility, nu mber of household members, household economic status, cough, diarrhea and fever were the most important determinants of children nutritional status in Ethiopia. The effect of child Age, mother's age at child b irth, and mother's body mass index were also exp lored non-parametrically as determinants of children nutrit ional status. It is suggested that for reducing childhood malnutrit ion, due emphasis should be given in improving the knowledge and practice of parents on appropriate young child feeding practice and frequent growth monitoring together with appropriate and timely interventions.
doi:10.9734/ejnfs/2015/21129 fatcat:raqj2fuegjc7rlcccpapgg4gfq