Effect of Guided Discovery Teaching Method on Academic Achievement of Upper Basic II Students in English Studies in South South Nigeria

2020 Journal of Education and Practice  
The study examined effect of guided discovery teaching method on academic achievement of Upper Basic education students in English Studies in the South-South zone of Nigeria. It was a quasi-experimental research. Two intact classes were randomly selected to constitute a sample size of 100 students for a control and experimental group. Treatment lasted for four weeks and test scores were used as data. Research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation, while ANCOVA was used to
more » ... t the hypotheses. Results showed that guided discovery teaching method had an increasing positive effect on academic achievement of the students while gender was not a significant factor in this. Recommendations were that teachers should adopt this teaching method in lesson preparation/presentation, school administrators should structure the time table to allow its adoption, while education planners will find the study a good reference material for curriculum renovation and design amongst others.
doi:10.7176/jep/11-29-12 fatcat:usncn55qwzc2bjzrigyqyb4ioy