Analytical application of the reaction system phenyl fluorone-hydrogen peroxide for the kinetic determination of cobalt and tin traces by spectrophotometry in ammonia buffer media

Sofija Rancic, Snezana Nikolic-Mandic, Aleksandar Bojic
2013 Hemijska Industrija  
The present paper describes two new, simple, rapid, selective and sensitive kinetic spectrophotometric methods for Co(II) and Sn(II) determination in solution at room temperature, based on their effect on phenyl fluorone (PF) oxidation by hydrogen peroxide in ammonia buffer. The new method was elaborated for nano amounts of Co(II) determination, based on its catalytic effect on the oxidation of PF by H 2 O 2 in the presence of citric acid (CA) as an activator. Also, the new method for micro
more » ... nts of Sn(II) determination was developed based on its inhibitory effect upon the same reaction. Comparison of the results showed that the activated catalytic reaction has better sensitivity than the inhibitory one. Methods were validated by the analysis of chemical substances and results were confirmed by examining the same samples by the AAS method.
doi:10.2298/hemind121114016r fatcat:sbjyascyybh45fiefltmll25nq