Barometric pressure transient testing applications at the Nevada Test Site. Nuclear chimney analysis. Final report
J.M. Hanson
Figure Page 4.4 Measured (solid) and predicted (dashad) downhole pressure for DH7. Infinite half-apace, 1-D (vertical) nodal . 106 4.5 Measured (solid) and predicted (dashed) downhole pressure for DH9. Infinite half-apace, 1-D (vertical) nodal 10? 4.6 Measured (solid) and predicted (dashed) downhole pressure for U2fe. Infinite half-apace, 1-0 (vertical average) nodal , 4.7 Measured (solid) and predicted (dashed) downhole pressure for U2ff. Infinite half-apace, 1-D (vertical average) model HO
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... Measured (solid) and predicted (dashed) downhole pressure for U2ev. Infinite half-apace, 1-D (vertical average) Model HI 4.9 Measured (solid) and predicted (dashad) downhole pressure for U19ac. Infinite half-apace, 1-D (vertical average) model •••112 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 5.4 Surface solute flux with baroaetric puaping (solid) and without barometric puaping (dashed) -24 hour period surface pressure variation. (shot depth = 100 a.) 182 5.5 Diffusive (solid) and convective (dashed) components of surface flux with baroaetric puaping -24 hour period surface pressure variation. (shot depth = 100 a.) : ^33 5.6 Surface solute flux with baroaetric puaping (solid) and without baroaetric puaping (dashed) -12 hour period pressure variation. (shot depth = 100 a.) ^ 5.7 Diffusive (solid) and convective (dashed) coaponents of surface flux with baroaetric puaping -12 hour period surface praaaure variation. (shot depth = 100 a.) " [^ 5.6 Surface solute flux aaaualng dispersivity independent of gas velocity, with baroaetric puaping (solid) and without baroaatric puaping (dashed) -24 hour period surface pressure variation, (shot depth = 100 a.) ..186 5.9 Surface solute flux assuming disperaivj.ty independent of gas velocity, with barometric puaping (solid) and without barometric puaping (dashed) -12 hour period surface pressure variation, (shot depth a 100 m.) ... 187 5.10 Surface solute flux with baroaetric puaping (solid) and without bar.onetric puaping (dashed) -24 hour period surface pressure variation. (shot depth = 300 a. Note: dashed curve is effectively superimposed on x-axis) 188 5.11 Conparison of surface solute flux for K = 10, 100, and 1000 a/hr. Minimum amplitude curve (solid) corresponds to K=10 m/hr. Maximum amplitude curve (dashed) corresponds to K * 100, 1000 a/hr whic "re effectively superiapoaed j89 6.1 Packer-tubing-steaaing completion of slant hole 203 6.2 Packer-gauge-steaming completion of slant hole 204 6.3 Perforated casing completion of slant hole 205 4v