Surfing the Mystery of J. C. Dawn's Ripple of Existence: A Stylistic Study

Sheline, I Rifai
2021 Proceedings of the 1st UMGESHIC International Seminar on Health, Social Science and Humanities (UMGESHIC-ISHSSH 2020)   unpublished
Existentialism is not a new concept to poets. As part of philosophical theory, existentialism is a concept built upon an understanding that human search for their own meaning in life, thus strive to make rational decisions in response to the world's phenomena. Generally philosophical, poets often ponder and write about their existentialism questions and thoughts into poems. Many of these existentialism themed poems, like those of Emily Dickinson, received favourable responses form the readers
more » ... they share the same existentialism questions and wonders with Emily. This paper presents an analysis of 11 poems from Mystery of Existence chapter in the Ripple of Existence book by J. C. Dawn, an Indonesian raising star poet who published her poems in English. The analysis was done in six stylistic levels of analysis: phonological, graphological, morphological, lexical, syntactic, and semantic levels. As the result of the analysis, the 11 poems rendered existentialism messages whose themes were reinforced by the styles of the language used.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.211020.020 fatcat:vrlr2s6z6ve3bnvl7ntebn4hhu