A. J. Casson and S. A. Bleiler, Automorphisms of surfaces after Nielsen and Thurston (London Mathematical Society Student Texts 9, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1988) 104 pp., cloth 0 521 34203 1, £20; paper 0 521 34985 0, £7.50

C. Maclachlan
1991 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society  
of surfaces after Nielsen and Thurston (London Mathematical Society Student Texts 9, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1988) 104 pp., cloth 0 521 34203 1, £20; paper 0 521 34985 0, £7.50.
doi:10.1017/s0013091500005095 fatcat:ekuogifh7jhktidboykgz6ftx4