The moments of joy and despair of the CESSDA metadata project

Mari Kleemola, Kerrin Borshewski
2020 Zenodo  
The CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) Metadata Management project (CMM1) produced in May 2017 the CESSDA Metadata Standards Portfolio Version 1, containing the CESSDA Metadata Core Model and the multilingual CESSDA Controlled Vocabularies. They are based on DDI Lifecycle 3.2 and DDI CVs. Right now, the second phase of the project is on its way. This presentation will provide a rough overview of the extended CESSDA Core Metadata Model, the CVs and accompanying
more » ... tion and guidance. We will show how the model supports other CESSDA services like the Product and Service Catalogue and the Euro Question Bank. CMM has its roots in previous metadata work within CESSDA and individual CESSDA Service Providers. The challenge is to look both backwards and into the future. Add to the equation project partners from eight different organisations and countries, the quickly changing metadata world, CESSDA's evolution from a network of European data archives into a legal entity and large-scale infrastructure, and you have an interesting setting with plenty of potential and plenty of potential pitfalls. We will discuss our metadata journey, experiences and lessons learned, and share the moments of joy and despair we've experienced along the way.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3775789 fatcat:jhb3gf63tzdgbiwagsoocjtlxq