UEG879007 Supplemental Material - Supplemental material for Predicting lymph node metastases with endoscopic resection in cT2N0M0 oesophageal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Ali Al-Kaabi, Rachel S Van Der Post, Jonathan Huising, Camiel Rosman, Iris D Nagtegaal, Peter D Siersema
2019 Figshare  
Supplemental material, UEG879007 Supplemental Material for Predicting lymph node metastases with endoscopic resection in cT2N0M0 oesophageal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis by Ali Al-Kaabi, Rachel S van der Post, Jonathan Huising, Camiel Rosman, Iris D Nagtegaal and Peter D Siersema in United European Gastroenterology Journal
doi:10.25384/sage.9913400.v1 fatcat:s5gwj2727bhdpdlms67w6uswke